No longer does the term sniper represent long moments of silence devoid of action, now the scale has gone up and although sometimes the design and direction taken do not work together as intended, the truth is that we have a beautiful foundation for the future here. Nothing extraordinary here except that the level itself shows some of the greatest ambition and spectacularity that the studio sought to insert into the game. The campaign mode starts dynamically and the first few moments are a kind of tutorial that teach us the basic mechanics of gameplay and explain the controls to us. A figure that shows for the first time the potential for games in this specific sub-genre to leave their niche and oscillate towards the masses. But first let’s talk about how a brave soldier in the middle of World War II, on the North African front, becomes a silent hero. On the other hand, it is what I consider to be one of the most difficult games to analyze because despite not doing anything really wrong, it is also not so good when implementing your best ideas.

Sniper 3 Elite is the latest game in the Rebellion series and is a title that tries to take advantage of your experiences and lessons to become something better.