The Siege Tank is able to freely transform between the two modes with a short transformation sequence. This means melee units can attack Tanks without being dealt damage by the Tank. These can further be upgraded at the.While in Siege Mode, the Siege Tank is incapable of movement and gains a range of 12, but also has a minimum range of 2. A Siege Tank in Tank Mode deals 30 explosive damage, and one that is in Siege Mode deals 70 explosive damage plus splash. Both modes are only capable of damaging land units.

Siege Mode must be first researched at the Machine Shop. Tanks are built from the once it has an attached.The Siege Tank has two modes of attack: Tank Mode and Siege Mode. The goal at the time was to take the original in-game design of the Starcraft 2 siege tank and modernize it as well as detail up the design so it can be shown in the in-game cinematics.Ĭontents.Description The Siege Tank, or simply Tank, is a mechanical unit. My first take on Siege Tank was a collaboration with Fausto De Martini who was art-directing the design on the first installment of Starcraft2: Wings Of Liberty. StarCraft II Siege Tank by Mrmaraunet is licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution license. I just saw that people are selling Starcraft model, but you just need to extract them from the game.